The Last Jews of Baghdad
A Special Film Event
Tuesday, May 13th at 6:30pm
Today, only 5 Jews remain in Iraq from a population of 160,000. It is most shocking considering there has been a Jewish community in Iraq since 586 BCE. This year, 2014, is exactly the 2600 year anniversary of the destruction of the first temple and the beginning of the Babylonian exile.
This film asks the question, “Why did the Iraqi Jews leave?” The answer is found in the discriminatory laws and policies enacted by Iraq's government and leaders against these formerly important members of Iraqi society who today still consider themselves “Iraqi Jews”. “The Last Jews of Baghdad” offers personal recollections from members of this exiled group, contextualizing the country’s complicated political history. Through the words of those who survived discrimination, persecution and even hangings, we are painted a picture of what it meant to be a Jew in Iraq - from joyous picnics on the Tigress to the unbearable terror of life under the Saddam Hussein that came to define their lives.
Also showing Abdallah Simon: an Officer and a Gentleman Always Produced by Carol Basri. USA 2012. 6 mins.
Suggested Donation: $10 at the door.
Reservations required: 212.294.8350 x5, or [email protected].