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Sephardic Synagogues Located Around the World

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In Directory: D Services every day
FR Friday evening service only
SH Sabbath services only
HOL Holiday services only
M&TH Monday and Thursday services only
SUN Sunday services only
W Weekday services only
K Kasher food available (restaurant or home)
H Arrangement to attend Haggadah possible
K.K. Kahal Kadosh

In Calendar: * Proclamation of the New Moon
O2 etc Day of the Omer (Omer is counted night before)

In all instances where symbols are shown, please communicate directly with indicated rabbi or synagogue office for specific information.

Based on The International Directory of Sephardic Congregations, available for purchase from the Union of Sephardic Congregations, Inc.

The Union of Sephardic Congregations, Inc.
8 West 70 St;
N. Y., N. Y. 10023
Telephone: 212.873.0300


Asociacion Comunidad Israelita Sefaradi
Camargo 870 5411-4855-6945
Buenos Aires, C1414AHR D,K
Chief Rabbi Isaac A. Sacca 5411-4855-6945
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.shabuatov.com

Comunidad Israelita de Flores
Avellaneda 2874
Buenos Aires

Sociedad Hebraica Argentina
Sarmiento 2233
Buenos Aires 1044

Centro Educativo Sefaradi en Jerusalem
Tucuman 2153 54-11-4954-3223
Buenos Aires 1050 Fax: 54-11-4954-3226
Email: [email protected]

Congregacion Israelita Latina de Buenos Aires
Piedra 1164
Buenos Aires 1052

Congregacion Sefaradi 4961-5895/1615
Lavalle 2449 Fax: 4961-1615/5895
Buenos Aires 1052 D,K
Rabbi Iosef H. Chehebar 4961-9299
Email: [email protected]

Yeshiba/Colel 'Shebet Ahim'
Pinzon 1261 Fax: 54-11-4-954-3226
Buenos Aires 1287 D
Rabbi Shlomo Yabra 54-11-4=954-3224

Asociacion Israelita Sefaradi Chalom
Olleros 2876 552-2720
Buenos Aires 1426 D,K
Rabbi Josef Bitton 786-0370


W. S. F. Australia
222 Domain Road
S.Yara,Victoria 3141
Inf: Jack Balloul

Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue 61-3-9527 8863
PO Box 42; 79 Hotham St. Fax: 61-3-9530 0856
East St. Kilda,Victoria 3182, Fr,SH, K, H, HOL,SUN
Rabbi Y. Cohen 613-9530-3052
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sephardivic.org

The Sephardi Synagogue 9389-3982
N.S.W. Assoc of Seph Fax: 9369-2143
40-44 Fletcher St. Bondi Junction
Sydney, 2022 D,K
Rabbi Michael Chriqui 9389-2717
Email: [email protected]

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Belarus Associations & Communities 344-403
Daumana 13B
Inf: Leonid Levin 345-612


Comun Israelite Seph de Bruxelles 215-0525
47 Rue de Pavillon Fax: 215-0242
Brussels 1030 SH,FR,K,HOL,SUN
Rabbin Chalom Benizri 215-2889


Jewish Community of Banja Luka 078-4-518
Kordunaska Street 6
Banja Luka 78000
Pres. Daniel A. Romano

Jewish Community of Doboj 074-41-663
Kralja Petra I Street 30/2
Doboj 74000
Pres. Mordehaj Atijas

Jewish Community of Sarajevo 387-33-663-472/473
Hamdije Kresevljakovica 59 Fax: 387-33-663-472/473
Sarajevo 71000 FR,HOL
Hazzan David Kamhi


Centro Israelita
Rua Jose de Hollanda 798
Recife FR
Inf: Marcel Kosminsky 55-81-3227-0418

Kahal Zur Israel (Predates 1654)
Rua Martins Junior 29
Recife SH
Inf: Isaac Essoudry 3465-8827

Sinagoga Agudath Israel 021-267-5567
Rua Nascimento Silva 109
Rio de Janeiro D
Rabbi Gabriel Abov Tboul 021-287-1424

Sinagoga Bene Sidon
Rua Conde de Bonfim 521
Rio de Janeiro
Hazan Simon Nigri

Sinagoga Maghen David 021-238-9214
Rua Visconde de Cabo Frio 29, Tijuca-20510
Rio de Janeiro SH,K
Hazan Marcos Balassiano 021-238-9214

Templo Union Israel 288-1753
Rua Jose Hygino 375
Rio de Janeiro
Hazan Jose Cohen

Uniao Israelita Shel Guemilut Hassadim 286-9494
Rua Rodrigo de Brito,37,Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro D,K,H
Rabbi Abraham Anidjar 286-2120

Museu Judaico de Rio de Janeiro 2240-1598/2524-6451
RuaMexico,90sata110;20031 Fax: 2240-1598
141Centro; Rio de Janeiro
Pres: Max Nahmias 2524-6451
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.museujudaico.org.br

Congregacao Religiosa Israelita 'Beth El'
Rua Barata Ribeiro, 489 237-9688
Rio de Janeiro GB ZC-07 SH,M&TH,K,H
Rabbi Abraham Anidgar

Templo Israelita Brasileiro; Ohel Yaacov 55-11-3106-9982
Rua Abolicao 457 Fax: 55-11-3106-9982
Sao Paolo D,K
Rabbi Yacob Garzon 55-11-3258-3124

Congregacao Mekor Haim 011-3826-7699
Rua Sao Vicente de Paula,254 Fax: 011-3666-6960
Sao Paolo 01229 D,K,H
Rabbi Itschak Dichi 826-7985

Fed Sefaradi Latino Americana 55-11-5093-7602
Inhambu 902; Apto 122 Fax: 55-11-5531-7995
Sao Paolo 04520-013
Pres. Claudio Leon


Jewish Community of the Cayman Islands
P.O. Box 72GT 345-949-7739
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands FR
Inf: Harvey De Souza


Central Israelitic Religious Council 359-2-983-1273
16, Exarh Joseph Str. Fax: 359-2-983-5085
Sofia 1000 FR,SH,K,H
Rabbi Kahlon 00972-5485-8749


Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue
26th Street

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Congregation Beth Hamidrash 604-872-4222
3231 Heather Street Fax: 604-876-6153
Vancouver, BC V5Z 3K4 D,K,H
Rabbi Ilan Acoca
Email: [email protected]
Website:  www.bethhamidrash.com/

Petah Tikva Anshe; Castilla Cong 416-636-4719
20 Danby Avenue Fax: 416-636-4725
Downsview, ON M3H 2J3 D
Rabbi Yoseph Oziel 416-636-0917
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.petahtikva.on.ca

Sephardic Assoc of Ottawa 613-726-1162/0586
POB 23111; 2121 Carling Ave
Ottowa, Ont K2A 4EO
Inf: Ms. Michel Tapiero

Magen David Sephardic Congregation 416-636-0865
10 McAllister Road Fax: 416-636-0920
Toronto, Ont M3H 2M9 D,K,H
Rabbi Yehiel Benayon 416-630-5510

Canadian Jewish Congregation
4600 Bathurst St
Willowdale, ON M2R 3V2
ExDir: Dr Edward Lipsitz

Communaute Sepharade de Laval 450-682-6606
4860 Notre Dame Boul. Fax: 450-682-6607
Chomedey, Laval, Quebec D
Rabbi Moshe Nahon

Cong. Sepharade de Chomedy 514-682-2467
4880 Ch. de Souvenir
Chomedy, Quebec

Cong. Sepharade Or Hahayim 514-489-1301
5700 Einstein Fax: 514-488-2645
Cote St. Luc, Quebec
Rabbi Dr. Moise Ohana

Cong. Sepharade Beth Rambam 514-481-7217
5780 Westminster Fax: 514-481-5745
Cote St. Luc, Quebec
Rabbi Shalom Abiton

Groupement Sepharade Kol Yehouda 514-487-6920
6501 Baily Road Fax: 514-481-5064
Cote St. Luc, Quebec H4V 2T6 FR,SH,K
Pres: Armand Moyal

Synagogue Or Shalom 514-624-0034
96 Fredmir Fax: 514-624-9341
Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec H9A 2R3 D
Hazan David Azoulay 514-685-4049

Congregation Nahar Chalom 514-485-9887
222 Harrow
Hampstead, Quebec D,K
Rabbi Isaac Cohen 514-342-0032
Email: [email protected]

Congregation Sepharade Maghen David
4691 Van Horne Ave. 514-731-1960
Montreal, Quebec H3W 1H8 Fax: 514-738-3341
Rabbin Kabessa

Communaute Sepharade du Quebec 514-733-4998
5151 Chemin de la Cote Ste-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H3W 1M6 Fax:514-733-3158
Email: [email protected] K
Website: www.csq.qc.ca

Spanish & Portuguese Syn; Shearith Israel 514-737-3695
4894 St. Kevin Avenue Fax: 514-737-7430
Montreal, Quebec H3W 1P2 D,K,H
Rabbi Howard Joseph 514-737-6265

Adath Yeshurun-Sect Sepharde 514-735-9955
5855 Lavoie Street
Montreal, Quebec H3W 2K1
Inf: Gabriel Benizri 514-739-2448

Centre Communautaire Juif-YMHA 514-735-5565
5480 Westbury Fax: 514-739-8366
Montreal, Quebec H3W 3G2
Inf: Bob Luck

Cong. Juive Francophone Chouva Israel 514-735-6611
6155 Deacon Road
Montreal, Quebec
Rabbin Benoliel

Merkaz Sepharade 514-738-3155
3917 Van Horne Ave
Montreal, Quebec
Inf: Mr. I. Ezagui

Ohel Rambam 514-735-2255
3737 Van Horne Ave Fax: 514-739-7248
Montreal, Quebec H3S 1R9 K,H,SH,SUN,W
Hazan Raymond Himoun Elbaz 514-739-7248
Email: [email protected]

Cong. Ozarenu 514-344-9599
5861 Claranald Fax: 514-344-9599
Montreal, Quebec H3X 2T2
Rabbi Shelomo Atlan

Rabbinat Sepharade du Quebec
5850 Victoria Avenue Fax: 514-738-2972
Montreal, Quebec
Rabbi David Sabbah

Synagogue Sede Isaac 514-340-9745
2615 Van Horne Ave #206
Montreal, Quebec H3S 1P6
Inf: Daniel Toledano

Netivot Haim 514-748-2798
2180 Ward
St. Laurent, Quebec
Rabbi Meir Bitton

Kikve Hekhal Shalom 514-747-4530
825 Gratton Street Fax: 514-747-7707
St. Laurent, Quebec H4M 2G4 D
Rabbi Ronen A. Abitbol

Comm. Sepharade Petah Tikvah 514-744-3434
2650 St. Louis Street Fax: 514-744-3958
St. Laurent, Quebec
Rabbi Shimon David Bouskilla


Fed Sefardi Latino Americana 562-209-8086
Avenida Ricardo Lyon 812
Rabbi Jose Gabbai 562-335-7714


Ohel Leah Synagogue 852-2801-5440
70 Robinson Road Fax: 852-2548-4200
Hong Kong, SAR D
Rabbi Yaakov Kermaier 852-2589-2621
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ohelleah.org

Kehilat Zion/Hechal Ezra
1st floor, unit 102 852-2368-0061
62 Mody Rd., Wing On Plaza, Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Rabbi Meoded
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kehilat-zion.org


Com. Ebrea Sefaradi,Maguen Obadia 571-256-2629
Calle 79, No.9-66
Rabbi Shelomo Elharar


Box 8-6540 (1000) :
San Jose

Jewish Community of Dubrovnik
Zudioska Street 3 Fax: 385-20-321-028
Dubrovnik 20000
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Horovic

Jewish Community of Rijeka 385-51-425-156
Filipoviceva Street 9
Rijeka 51000
Pres. Josip Engel

Jewish Community of Split 385-21-45-672
Zidovski prolaz Street 1/I
Split 21000
Pres. Zoran Morpurgo

Zagreb Jewish Community 385-1-4922692/3
Palmoticeva Street 16 Fax: 385-1-4922694
Zagreb 10000 K,HOL,SH
Chief Rabbi Kotel Dadon 385-1-4922695
Email: [email protected]


Centro Hebrero Sepharadi 326-623
Calle 17, No. 462 Vedado
Habana 10400
Pres Jose Levy Tyr

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Eliyahu Hanabi Synagogue 486 3974
69 Rue Nebi Daniel
Alexandria M&TH
Pres. Dr. Max Salama 486 3974

Shaar Hashamayium Synagogue
Rue Adly & Sikket El Maghrabi
Cairo SH


Shaare Hashamaim (Bevis Marks Syn) 020-7626-1274
2 Heneage Lane Fax: 020-7283-8825
London EC3A5DQ D(morn only),K,H
The Rev Halfon Benarroch, Hazan
Email: [email protected]

Spanish & Portuguese Jews Cong. 020-7289-2573
2 Ashworth Road, Maida Vale Fax: 020-7289-2709
London W9 1JY D
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Levy 020-7289-2573

Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue 0207-603-7961/3232
8A St James Gardens Holland Park Fax: 0207-603-9471
London, W11 4RB D
Rev. Abraham Labi 0207-603-8199

The Exilarch's Fndtn;Pblr "The Scribe"
Journal of Babylonian Jewry 44-207-399-0850
4 Carlos Place, Mayfair Fax: 44-207-399-0860
London, W1K 3AW
Naim Dangoor, Exilarch
Website: www.scribe1.com

Manchester Cong of Span & Por Jews 0161-792-7406
18 Moor Lane, Kersal, Salford
Manchester M70WX D,K,H
Pres David Salem 0161-792-7406

Sephardi Cong of South Manchester 0161-445-1943
8 Queenston Road Fax: 0161-438-0571
Manchester, M20 2WZ D,K,H
Rabbi Shlomo Ellituv 0161-434-6903

Wembley Synagogue
46 Forty Avenue
Wembley, Middlesex
Dayan Pinhas Toledano

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Jewish Community of Helsinki 09-586-0310
Malminkatu 26 Fax: 09-694-8916
Helsinki 00100 D,K,H
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Edelman 09-612-3432
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jchelsinki.fi

Turku Jewish Community 358-2-2312-557
Brahenkatu 17 Fax: 358-2-2334-689
Turku 20100 SH,K
Pres. Ruth Hasan 358-2-2315-637
Email: [email protected]


Communaute Israelite d'Aix-en-Provence
3bis Rue de Jerusalem 4226-6939
Aix-en Provence 13100 D,K,H
Harav Dr. Haim Harboun 4227-6358

Assoc Cul Israelite d'Antibes Juan Les Pins
Villa La Monada- Ave. des Sables 9361-5934:
Antibes 06600 SH
Rabbin Marcel Zemour 9367-5538

Association Culturelle Israelite d'Avignon
2 Place Jerusalem 9085-2124
Avignon 84000
Rabbi Moshe Amar 9086-4721

Bordeaux 05-5691-7939
213 Rue Sainte Catherine
Bordeaux 33000 D,K,H
Rabbin Claude Maman 05-5692-9204

Association Culturelle Israelite 04-9338-1654
20 Boulevard d'Alsace Fax: 04-9368-9281
Cannes 06400 D,K,H
Rabbis Lionel Drax, Jacob Gueds 381-654

Synagogue 33494-520-697
Rue du Progres
Frejus-Plage 83600
Inf: G. Aymard 33494-532-030

Synagogue 9465-3197
Chemin de la Ritorte

Synagogue 33235-211-459
38 Rue Victor Hugo
Le Havre
Rabbin Alain Cohen 33235-427-234

Communaute Israelite de Limoges 774-726
27 Rue Pierre Lerouns
Rabbin Joseph Ohayon 774-726

Consistoire Israelite Sepharad de Lyon
317 Rue Dulguesalin 334-7858-1874
Lyon 69007 D,K
Rabbin Charles Perz 334-7861-2952

Consistoire Israelite de Marseille
117 Rue Breteuil 9181-8124
Marseille 13006 D,K,H
Grand Rabbin Jacques Ouaknin 9137-4964

Association Culturelle Israelite 9392-1138
7 Rue Deloye
Nice 06000 D,K,H
Grand Rabbin Marc Bensoussan 9385-8206

Synagogue 331-4278-0030
15 Rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth
Paris 75003 D
Rabbi M. Haim Torjman 331-4806-4296

Synagogue 331-4274-3280
15 bis, Rue de Tourmellesreth
Paris 75004 D
Rabbi M. Roger Touitou 331-4508-5572

Synagogue 331-4887-7945
14 Place des Vosges
Paris 75004 FR,SH,M&TH
Delegue Rabbinique M.Charles Liche 331-4700-5465

Vauquelin Synagogue 01 43 36 60 78
9 Rue Vauquelin
Paris 75005 D
Rabbin M. Jean Levy

Fed Sepharadie de France
16 Rue Richer
Paris 75009
Inf: Armand Amsellem

Synagogue Berit Chalom (Algerian) 331-4878-4532
18 Rue Saint-Lazare
Paris 75009 D
Rabbin M. Salomon Malka 331-4285-0622

Synagogue Beth El 331-4770-0923
3 Rue Saulnier
Paris 75009

Synagogue Portuguaise 526-8087
28 Rue Buffault
Paris 75009 D,K,H
Grand Rabbin J. Amar 849-3834

Synagogue Don Isaac Abravanel 331-4700-7595
84-86 Rue de la Roquette
Paris 75011 D
Rabbin M. Claude Zaffran 331-4338-5657

WSF Social Committee
16 Avenue de Bouvines
Paris 75011
Pres. Jacques Abihssera

Synagogue Chivtei Israel 331-4347-3678
12-14 Cite Moynet
Paris 75012
Rabbin M. Aime Atlan 331-4342-3816

Synagogue 331-4273-3629
14 Rue Chasseloup-Laubat
Paris 75015 D
Rabbin M. Maurice Nezri 331-4273-3629

Synagogue 331-4606-1224
80 Rue Doudeauville D
Paris 75018 331-4262-7763
Rabbin M.Mevorakh Jean-Pierre Zerbib

Synagogue de Montmartre 331-4627-3817
13 Rue Saint Isaure
Paris 75018
Rabbin M. Meyer Zini 331-4627-3817

Synagogue 331-4797-7770
120 Boulevard de Belleville
Paris 75020 D
Rabbin M. Guy Rahamim Hadjadj

Synagogue Rite Tunisien 331-4636-3011
75 Rue Julien-Lacroix
Paris 75020 D
Delegue Rabbinique M. Meir Ammar

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Sephardi Synagogue
45-47 Leseligze Street


K.K. Ets Hayim; Little Syn (Esnoga Chica)
91 Irishtown; P.O. Box 31 010-350-755-63
Hon. Minister Sammy Benaim D,K,H

K.K. Nefusot Yehudah Synagogue 010-350-776-74
65 Line Wall Road Fax: 010-390-732-01
Pres. Isaac S. Benzaquen D,K,H
Email: [email protected]

K.K. Shaar Hashamayim 010-350-77680
49 Engineer Lane; PO Box 174 Fax: 010-350-72293
Rev. Jacob M. Benzecry SH,FR,HOL,K
Email: [email protected] 010-350-738-16

Kahal Kadosh Abudarham 010-350-777-89
20 Parliament Lane(PO.Box 190) Fax: 010-350-425-27
Pres. Solomon Levy MBE EDJP 010-350-428-10
Email: [email protected] FR,SH,K,H

Gibraltar Jewish Community 010-350-726-06
10 Bomb House Lane D,K
Rabbi Roni N.J. Hassid 010-350-771-02


Beth Shalom 325-2773/2875
5 Melidoni Street Fax: 322-0761
Athens(113) K,H,M&TH,FR,SH
Rabbi Jacob D. Arar 325-2773
Email: [email protected]

Jewish Community of Rhodes 22410-22364
Kahal Shalom Synagogue
#5 Polydorou Street
Rhodes, Greece  85100
22410-22364;  Fax #: 22410-73039
email: [email protected]

Synagogue Shalom
Rue Symmiou
Inf: Lucia Modiano Soulam

Yad LeZikaron 3031-221124/275701
24-26 Vassileous Irakliou St. Fax: 3031-229063
Thessaloniki 54624 D,K,H
Rabbi Dr. Itshak Dayan 3031-221124
Cel: 3093-2377331

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Magen Hassidim Synagogue 395173
8 Mohamed Shahid Marg
Agripada, Bombay
Hon Sec. Jacob Shmoel Garsukar

Magen Abraham Synagogue 486-317
Bukhara Moholla; Opp Parsee Agiary
Ahmedabad 380001
Rabbi Joshua Kolet 486-317

Council of Indian Jewry; The Jewish Club
Jeroo Bldg. 137 M.G. Road
Bombay 400 023
Sec. J. Bhattacharya

Indian Sephardi Fed
63 Belle View; 85 Warden Rd
Bombay 400 026
Salomon F. Sopher

Magen David Synagogue
340 Sir J.J. Road
Byculla, Bombay 400008

Beth El Synagogue
26/1 Pollock Street
Calcutta 700001
Pres: M. D. E. Nahoum 24-3033

Cochin Synagogue (1568)
Synagogue Lane
Cochin 2 SH,K,H
Warden S.H. Hallegua 226-802

Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue
43 Dr. V.B Gandhi Marg
Fort Bombay 400023

Kurla Bene-Israel Prayer Hall 511-2132
275 C.S.T. Rd Jewish Colony
Kurla (W) Bombay 400070 FR,SH,K,H
Gate of Mercy Synagogue (1796)
254 Samuel Street
Mandvi, Bombay 400 003

Judah Hyam Synagogue 463-5500/464-1058
2 Humayun Road (nr Taj Mahal Hotel)
New Delhi 110003 FR,HOL,H
Hon. Secy: Ezekiel Isaac Malekar 464-1058/463-5500
Email: [email protected]

Beth El Synagogue (1849) 0091-022-745-1014
909 Mahatma Gandhi Rd.
Panvel Maharashtra 410206
Sec. Simon Samson Dighodkar

Shaar Hashamaim (Gate of Heaven) Syn
Jamsetji Maneckji Road
Tembhi, Thane 400601 FR,SH,K,H
Sec. Ezra Moses 5347334, 506518


Synagogue Surabaya 031-5452815
JL. Kayun 4-6
Surabaya 60271
Pres:David Mussry


Sephardi Communities Haifa
Ehad Ha'am 14
Haifa 33103
Inf: Haim Nadaf

The David Cardozo School 02-641-4077
7 Cassuto Street Fax: 02-642-6076
Jerusalem 96433
Rabbi Nathan T. Lopes-Cardozo 02-641-4077
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cardozoschool.org

Cong Shaare Ratzon (Istanbuli) Syn;Span & Por Cong
Jewish Quarter, Old City
Rabbi Harris Guedalia

Council of the Sephardi & Oriental Comm
8 HaRav Kook PO Box 10 972-2-625-4371
Jerusalem 91000 Fax: 972-2-623-1827
Dir: Yitzhak Armoza

Italian Syn Museum of Italian Jewish Art 02-624-1610
27 Hillel Street Fax: 02-625-3480
Jerusalem 94581 SH.FR,HOL
David Cassuto 02-624-1610
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jija.org

Seph. Educ. Center in Jerusalem 972-2-628-2344
Batei Machasseh 1; POB14326 Fax: 972-2-628-4480
Old City , Jerusalem 91142
Dir Sal Nessim
Email: [email protected]

Shehebar Sephardic Center 02-627-3231
26 Galed Street Fax: 02-626-4465
Jerusalem 97500 D,K,H
Rabbi Eliahou Shamaula 02-581-8680
Email: [email protected]

Israeli Indian Federation
Hapalmach 10
Netanya 42249
Inf: Yaacov Benyamin

Hechal Yehuda Recanati Synagogue 03-691-9210/688-1155
Ben Saruq, 13 Fax: 03-688-1919
Tel Aviv 62969 D
Inf: Mr Shemuel Recanati 03-695-1888

Ohel Moed
3/5 Shodal Street
Tel Aviv
Chief Rabbi Haim D. Halevi

Israeli Moroccan Fed 03-360-3421
176 Ibn Gevirol
Tel Aviv 62032
Inf: Aharon Nachmias


Comunita Ebraica di Firenze 0039-055-24-5252
Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 4 Fax: 0039-055-24-1811
Florence 50121 FR,H,K
Rabbi Dr. Joseph Levi 0039-055-24-5252
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.firenzebraica.net

Comunita Israelitica de Genova 010-839-1513
Via Bertora, 6 Fax: 010-846-1006
Genoa 16122 FR,SH,H,K,HOL
Rabbi Josef Momigliano 010-839-1513
Email: [email protected]

Comunita Israelitica di Livorno 058-624-290
Via del Tempio 3
Leghorn D,K,H
Rabbi Dr. Isidor Kahn 058-628-722

Comunita Israelitica di Milano 02-791-892
Via Guastalla, 19
Milan 28122 D,K
Rav Dott. G. Laras

Comunita Ebraica di Padova 069-875-1106
Via San Martino & Solferino,9
Padua 35122 FR,SH,K,H
Rabbi Dr. Shimon Viterbo 069-871-9501

Comunita Ebraica di Roma 39-06-689-00651/52
Lungotevere Cenci Fax: 39-06-684-00655
Rome 00186 D,K,H
Ch Rabbi: Dr. Shmuel Riccardo di Segni 39-06-684-00601
Email: [email protected]

Comunita Ebraica 011-65-8585
Piazzetta Primo Levi 12 Fax: 011-669-1173
Torino 10125 M&TH,FR,SH,K,H
Rabbi Dr. Alberto Moshe Somekh 011-88-2676
Email: [email protected]

Comunita Ebraica Di Trieste 040-371-466
Via San Francesco, 19 Fax: 040-371-226
Trieste 34133 D,K,H
Rabbi Avraham Piperno 040-632-119
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.triestebraica.it

Comunita Ebraica Di Venezia 041-715-012
Cannaregio 2899 Fax: 041-524-1862
Venice 30121 SH,K,H
Rabbi Eliahu E. Richetti 041-715118/7187474
Email: [email protected]

Comunita Israelitica Ebraica di Verona 045-800-7112
Via Portici, 3
Verona FR,SH,H
Rabbi Efraim Piatelli 045-21112

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Unite Cong of Israelites 876-927-7948
2A Kings Drive Fax: 876-878-6240
Kingston 6 FR,SH,H
Rabbi Stephen Cohen Henriques 876-924-2451


Ohel Shelomo Synagogue 81-78-221-7236
4-12-12 Kitano-cho, Chuo-ku Fax: 81-78-242-7254
Kobe 650-0002 SH,HOL,K
Rabbi Gaon Maaluf 090-3829-6578
Email: [email protected]

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Jewish Comm in the Rep of Macedonia 389-2-214-799/237-543
24 Borka Talevski Street Fax: 389-2-214-880
Skopje 1000 SH,HOL
Rabbi Isak Asiel 381-11-624-359
Email: [email protected]


Congregacion Maguen David A.C. 540-2242
Horacio 1528
Colonia Los Morales D,K,H
Rabbi Meir Antebi

Alianza Monte Sinai 52-52-80-63-59/75
Tennyson 134 Fax: 52-52-81-39-69
Mexico, D.F. 11560 D,K
Rabino Salvador (Yeoshua) Hilu 52-53-95-73-82
Email: [email protected]

Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana
Tehuantepec No 118 Col. Roma
Mexico, DF
Inf: Isaac Salinas

Comunidad Sefaradi 525-251-0880
Prol. Ave. de los Bosques 292 Fax: 525-251-0880
Tecamachalco D,K
Rabbi Abraham Palti 525-251-8165

Cong, Monte Sinai 525-596-9966
Fuente de la Huerte 22
Rabbi Abraham Tobal 525-596-7742

Comunidad Israelita de Baja California 011-526-686-2692/3
Avendida 16 de Septiembre, #3000 Fax: 509-479-1895
Tijuana, B.C. D,K,H
Rabbi Mendel J. Polichenco 011-526-686-6234
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bajajai.com
Centro Israelita de Torreon
Allende, 102
Torreon, Coah.


Association Cultuelle Israelite 377-93-301646
15 av de la Costa Fax: 377-93-506415
Monte Carlo K,H
Rabbi Alain Nacache


Temple Beth-El 022-267-192
61 Rue Yaber Ben Hayane
Casablanca D,K,H
Rabbi Israel Hazout 022-267-192

Synagogue 'Beth-El' Henri Kadoch 212-44-44-8754
Blv Zerktouni Prolonge Fax: 212-44-43-8676
Marrakech 40000
Rabbi Chalom Gabay 212-44-44-6226
Email: [email protected]

Communaute Israelite de Tanger 212-9-931633
1 Rue de la Liberte
Tangier D,K,H
Rabbi Jacob Tordjman 212-9-931304

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Ets Haim Seminary 020-428-2596
Mr. Visserplein 3 Fax: 020-428-2597
Amsterdam 1011 RD SH
Librarian A. W. Rosenberg 31-(0)20-428-2596
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.etshaim.org

K.K. Talmud Torah Portugees Israelietisch Gemeente
Mr. Visserplein 3 3120-624-5351
Amsterdam 1011 RD D,K,H Fax: 3120-625-4680
Pres: Jacques Senior Coronel 3120-430-5580

Santa Companha de Dotar Orphas e Donzellas
Eline Verestraat 33 020-456-0674
Amsteelveen 1183 KX
Pres: Jaap B. Sondevan

David Henriques de Castro Foundation 020-496-3498
Kerkstraat 7 Fax: 020-496-5496
Ouderkerk Aan de Amstel
Dir: Dr. Cohen Paraira
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bethhaim.com

Historic Jewish Cemeteries Foundation 020-496-3498
Kerkstraat 7; 1191 JB Fax: 020-496-5496
Ouderkerk Aan de Amstel
Rabbi H. Rodrigues Pereira
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bethhaim.com


Cong. Mikve Israel-Emanuel 599-9-461-1067
(P.O. Box. 322) Hanchi di Snoa #29 Fax: 599-9-465-4141
Curacao FR,SH,K,H
Rabbi Gerald Zelermyer 599-9-737-5399
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.snoa.com

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Magain Shalome Synagogue
Corner Jamila St & Nishtar Rd
Karachi 3 SH
Inf: Moses Judah Samuel


Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana
POB 4219
Panama 5
Inf: David Bassan 507-642-245


Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana
Caballero 896
Inf: Dr Jacob Cohenco


Soc. De Benef. Israelita Sefaradi 471-7230
Enrique Villar 581; S Beatriz Fax: 422-2238
Lima 1 D,K,H
Rabbi Abraham Benhamu 442-4505
Email: [email protected]

Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana
Juan de Arona 701; 2 Piso San Isidro
Lima 27
Inf: Dr. Yakir Dannon Levy


Bet Israel
Rua Filipe de Mata
1600-070 Lisboa
Contact: Adriana Souza

Shaaré-Tikvá Synagogue 351 21 385 86 04
Rua Alexandre Herculano, 59
1250-010 Lisboa
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://membres.lycos.fr/shaaretikva/

Sinagogue Shaare Tikva 351-21 393-1130
Rua du 7ork Direte Fax: 351-21398-1139
Lisboa 1200-280 FR,SH,K
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lisaboa.org

Comunidade Israelita Do Porto 3512-609-2789
Rua Guerra Junqueiro,340
Porto 4100 FR,SH,K,H
Hazan Mordehai Aflalo 3512-952-0190

Sinagoga Bet Eliyahu
Apartado 18
Belmonte 6250-000
Pres. Moises Morao

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The Fed of Jewish Comm of Romania 401-313-2380
Strada Sf. Vineri 9 Fax: 401-312-0869
Bucharest D
Chief Rabbi Menachem Hacohen 401-312-2196


The Choral Synagogue
Arkhipova Street 8
Moscow SH
Rabbi Adolph Shayevich

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Fed. of Jewish Comm of Serbia&Montenegro
Kralja Petra I 71a/III 381-011-2621-837
Belgrade 11000 Fax: 381-011-2626-674
Rabbi Isak Asiel 381-011-2624-359
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jim.org SH,K,HOL


Chesed-El  732-8862
2 Oxley Rise
Singapore S-0923

Maghain Aboth 336-0962
Waterloo Street


Sephardic Hebrew Cong. of Capetown 2721-439-1962
PO Box 774, Sea Point 8060 Fax: 2721-439-9620
Cape Town FR,SH,K,H
Rabbi Ruben Suiza 2721-439-3127
Email: [email protected]

Sephardi Hebrew Congregation of Johannesburg
25 Main St. Rouxville 2192 439-3127
Rev. Joseph Matzner


Comunidad Israelita de Barcelona
Avenir, 24 Fax: 34-93-200-6148
Barcelona 6 D,K,H
Rabbi Jacob Carciente 34-93-200-5019

Comunidad Israelita de Ceuta 513-276
Sargento Coriat, 8
Ceuta D,K,H
Rabbi Isaac Benadiba Benayot 513-906

Synagogue of Maimonides (Not in use)
Calle Judaeco
Cordoba K
Inf: Antonio Perez 957-202-928

Arias-Montano Inst (Library-Jewish Seph Hist)
Calle de Duque de Medinaceli 4

Comunidad Israelita de Madrid 445-9843
Balmes 3
Madrid 28010 D,K,H
Rabbi Moshe Bendahan 445-4863

Communidad Isrelita de Malaga 214-041
Calle Duquesa de Parcent
Malaga D,K,H
Rabino Yossef Hacohen

Museo Sefardi (Antigua Sinagoga de El Transito)
Calle de Samuel Levi 34-925-22-3665
Toledo 45002 Fax: 34-925-21-5831
Director: Ana Maria Lopez Alvarez Museum
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ddnet.es/sefardi


IGS Surinam Jewish Comm Neve Shalom 597-400236/473896
Keizerstraat 82 POB 1834 Fax: 597-402380/471154
Paramaribo SH,HOL


Hekhal Haness Synagogue 41-22-817-3600
54 Ter Malaganou
Geneva 1208 D,K,H
Chief Rabbi Alexandre Safran

Midrasch David Abraham-Benjamin 289-767
Avenue Verdeil, 4
Lausanne 1005 K,HOL
Rabbi Benzion David Benjamin

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Temple Dorette Assael 689-812587
Rue Moerenhaut Fax: 689-8125687
Papeete SH,K,H
Hazan Mordekhai Amsellem 689-412553
Email: [email protected]


Jewish Assoc of Thailand; Beth Elisheva 258-2195
121 Sai Nam Tip Sukhumvit
Bangkok (Mail Only: GPO 1669)
Pres: Michael Gerson 252-7209


El Gerriba Synagogue
Hara Kebira
Djerba Island

Le Com Prov de Dir des Affaires du Culte Israelite de Tunis
15 Rue du Cap Vert Tunis 282-469
Tunis D,K,H
Rabbi Haim Madar 282-406; 283-540


Chief Rabbinate of Turkey 90-212-293-8794-5
Yemenici Sokak 23 Tunel-Beyoglu Fax: 90-212-244-1980
Istanbul 80050 D,K,H
Rabbi Ishak Haleva
Email: [email protected]

Karatas Musevi Sinagogu (Beth Israel) 90-232-425-1628
Mithatpasa Cad. 265 Fax: 90-232-445-5251
Izmir SH,FR,D,H
Rabbi Rafael Moron 90-232-425-1628

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Circulo Israelita Sefaradi del Uruguay 5982-915-1573
LauroMuller1769/302//BuenosAires 282 Fax: 5982-915-1573
Montevideo D,K,H
Inf: Nessin Nelson Canias
Email: [email protected]

Comunidad Isrelita Sefaradi del Uruguay 5982-711-7624
Centro Maimonides
21 de Setiembre 3111 Fax: 5982-592-0137
Rabbi Ariel Zlatkin
Email: [email protected]

Comunidad Isrelita Sefaradi del Uruguay 5982-961-136/954-751
Calle Buenos Aries 234
Montevideo 11000 D,K,H
Rabbi Jose Gabay (5982)986-895


Synagogue of Pyategorsk 7879-335-1305
Rabbi Shealtiel Shalomov

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Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana 0058212-874-4975
Apartado 3861
Caracas 1010
Inf: Amram Cohen Pariente
Email: [email protected]

Asociacion Israelita de Venezuela
Puente Canoa Av. Mariperez,
Los Caobos Caracas 105 D,K,H

La Sinagoga Bet Aharon 582-516-885
Avenida Bogota
Los Caobos Caracas 105 D,K,H
Rabbi Isaac Fada

Shahare Shalom Sinagoga 58212-782-6755
Av. Bogota, Quinta Julita
Los Caobos Caracas 1050 D,K,H
Rabbi Isaac Sananes 58212-7826755

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Jewish Community Yevreiska Opstina 381-24-28483
13 Tucovica St.
Subotica 24000 SH,H
Rabbi Tomislav Halbrohr 381-24-22621

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Communaute Israelite de Kinshasa
POB 1232
Rabbi Shimon Oiknin

Communaute Israelite Du Shaba 222-799
POB 931
Chief Rabbi Moise M. Levy 222-799


Sephardi Hebrew Congregation 722-899
54 Josiah Chinamano Ave POB 1051
Harare D,K,H
Reverend Leon Mayo 339-394

The International Directory of Sephardic Congregations is available for purchase from the Union of Sephardic Congregations, Inc.

The Union of Sephardic Congregations, Inc.
8 West 70 St;
N. Y., N. Y. 10023
Telephone: 212.873.0300